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Unlocking the Mysteries of the Spiritual Realm

Writer's picture: True Spiritual Awakening True Spiritual Awakening

Exploring Endless Possibilities with Gareth Duignam Eva Muller and Ken


In Episode 14 of the Endless Possibilities Podcast, hosts Eva and Gareth delve into the world of spirituality with their guest, Ken. This thought-provoking Q&A session takes us on a journey through different realms of existence, near-death experiences, and the profound nature of human consciousness. Join us as we explore the key insights and revelations shared by Ken in this enlightening discussion.

A Dual Universe of Love and Fear:

Ken believes that our universe operates as a duality, with love and fear at its core. This concept resonates with the teachings of Tom Campbell, who shares the same belief. According to Ken, every individual consciousness must undergo diverse circumstances to learn and choose love over fear, thus expanding their spiritual growth.

Experiencing Supreme Knowledge and Merging with the Divine:

Ken recounts a personal experience in Kentucky where he gained profound knowledge during a Samadhi experience. This led him to believe that God, in its divine curiosity, desires to understand what it's like to be born into poverty and disconnected from others. These experiences, both positive and challenging, serve as catalysts for personal growth and the evolution of consciousness.

The Journey of the Soul:

Ken believes that each soul is a fragment of God and that God also resides within each soul. Souls seek diverse experiences across different planes of existence, including multiple lifetimes on Earth, to gain consciousness, knowledge, and wisdom. The ultimate goal is to merge with the divine by continuously evolving and expanding our consciousness throughout each lifetime.

Moving On from the Current Plane:

Ken explains that when souls have learned and experienced enough, they may decide to move on from the current plane, such as Earth. This perspective applies to the majority of people Ken works with. It reveals a higher purpose to our existence and reminds us that life is a continuous journey of growth and enlightenment.

The Journey Between Lives:

Gareth shares his own experiences with life between lives, where he has awareness of his existence when not in a human body. He can choose his intentions and actions when he incarnates into a human body. Eva's revelation emphasizes the significance of human life in shedding fears and evolving spiritually.

Understanding "Not More Than You Can Handle":

In response to a question raised by a listener about being given more than one can handle, Ken clarifies that this concept refers to the mind's tendency to overcomplicate situations. The clarity and simplicity of the guidance received from their experiences leave no room for dwelling on questions. Ken advises that it's essential to trust in the divine plan and release unnecessary thoughts.

Earth as a Training Ground for Souls:

Ken reveals a fascinating insight learned during their interactions with near-death experience researchers. Many individuals who return from such experiences view Earth as the toughest place for souls to incarnate. It is likened to a training ground or "Navy Seals" experience for souls, where they undergo diverse and challenging experiences to accelerate their spiritual growth.

Aligning with Higher Energies:

Ken shares his personal journey, including a phase of struggling with mental health. Their breakthrough came when they found something that ignited energies within themselves. This emphasizes the importance of finding tools, practices, or experiences that resonate with our inner being and help us align with higher energies.

Trusting the Future:

Lastly, Eva and Gareth expresses their unwavering trust in knowing that what they need to understand about their future will come to them naturally. This stance discourages active seeking of information and encourages a deep trust in the divine timing and unfolding of life's events.

Conclusion:The Endless Possibilities Podcast Episode 14 is a captivating exploration of spirituality, near-death experiences, and the intricate nature of human consciousness. Ken's insights shed light on the underlying truths of our existence and encourage us to embark on our own journeys of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. As we embrace this transformative perspective, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities and a deeper connection with the divine.

Full Transcript of Endless Possibilities Podcast - Episode 14 Exploring the Spiritual Journey: Q&A with Ken


Hello, and welcome to the Endless Possibilities podcast. Today I'm joined with my good friend and co host Eva, and we have our past guest back on the show, Ken. Welcome, guys.




Good to see.


Hi, Garrett. Hi, Ken. Yeah, good to see everybody back for another episode. So looking forward to that.


This is episode 14 end, and this is going to be A-Q-A with Ken.


Yeah. After our sorry to interrupt for go ahead. Okay, great. Yeah, I had a few questions. Some people had actually reached out to me after the last podcast, and I think that some of the questions that were coming in for me and I think we even talked about a little bit of the podcast is, like, this broader sense of kind of like spirituality 101. Right. And a lot of people that are getting introduced have so many of these new questions coming up, and myself included. I still have an ongoing list.


I was like, well, why don't we just instead of just asking these in a one on one, what if you took like, a one on one that I had with one of you guys? We just broadcast it out to everyone. Kind of the same questions, right? I can't be the only one with these questions, so I'm excited about this one. This is going to be good.


Yeah, me too. Yeah. So let's get straight into it.




Go for Ken.


All right, we're going to try to.


Spend about five we are ready.


Okay, great. So I'm going to try to spend about five minutes each. Try to work in, like, eight to nine questions, and it'll be something that the whole audience can obviously get something from it. Right? And so I want to start off right from the beginning. Let's just get this one right out of the way. All right. This is a question that a lot of newbies probably come in, right? So you have access to this larger consciousness system on a level that a lot of people don't. Right.


So can you see into the future? Right? People are probably going to ask questions about the future. How expansive are these capabilities about the future and multiple locations at the same time? How does that go? How does that go with you guys? So curious.


Are you asking me, can I see into the future?


Yeah. The capabilities? That was one of the questions that I had, because I know we had a little bit of games. Can you see? We even have this little number game number in my head. How far does the ESP or the Kim bonus scale?


Okay, so I'm just going to be completely bluntly. Honest. I cannot see into the future, and the reason for that is because I just don't care. I just don't care what happens in the future. I just live in the moment. I live in this. This is my world and my attention doesn't go to what's happening in the future, in tomorrow, the next day, in a month's time. In the past, when I was going through all the out of body stuff, I had an awful lot of psychic abilities came up.


I used to get downloads, I used to see stuff that would happen later on in the day, next week. I would get images, flashes, dreams, and then, because I just don't pay attention to it, that information isn't fed to me anymore. It's just not relevant.


So eva as well.


Yeah, it's very similar for me. So there is no really need to look into the future or to ask questions anyways for myself, because the knowing is there. I feel like what I need to know is there anyways, or it's coming in anyways. I kind of have knowings what's going to happen in the future, where, for example, my work is going, or the work with Garrett or something like that. So the knowing is there, but it's also something where I don't dig in deeper because it will show up anyways when the time is right. Basically I get these questions in sessions from people. They kind of want to know, can you tell me what kind of job I will have? Or will I have more money in the future or whatever? Or when will I have the next shift? And stuff like that. And how I see this.


So there are many possibilities already around us, right? So it's like that the manifestation is basically there is possibilities around us and how long it takes for you to reach, let's say if you have a goal to reach that goal that's already manifested there anyways. It's very individual, the time that it takes to get there. But there are so many possibilities tell you where you're going and how long it takes, because it's your choices. You have free will, basically. Yeah, so that's how I see it. That's why answering those questions don't really make sense. And it's all about living at the moment and experiencing what's there at the.




Can I just jump in really quick just to add to what Eva was talking about there? It's almost like we don't need to see what's coming up in the future. It's like our intuition is sort of unfolding step by step. And I'll just give you a quick example. Going back a few years before COVID came in, all of a sudden I found myself doing ice bats. I bought a freezer. I was getting into the cold water every morning. I get in for six minutes, freezing water, and then all of a sudden COVID hit. My understanding is that somehow there was an intelligence in me that was preparing my immune system for COVID.


And the second time I got COVID, about a month beforehand, I started doing just randomly, I just found myself going, I'm going to do Wim HOF breathing. I hadn't done Wim HOF breathing in years. All of a sudden, I was back doing Wim HOF breathing every morning, got COVID for a second time. There's an innate intelligence that's in us that's preparing us when we get to a certain level, it's like we don't have to see what's coming down the road. It's like sometimes when a tsunami hits, okay, a lot of the animals find themselves just moving out of that place, that they'll move to higher ground, not knowing why, they just do it. And that's sort of how it works for me.


Yeah. And it's also about trusting that life will provide the best possible outcome for you. And if you have that trust, then you can surrender. And this path is all about surrendering, letting go, not following what the ego wants. So allowing life to flow through you, to experience it how it is every day, and how it's presenting to you and saying yes to that. So that's what this path is about. And that's why we don't really need to see what's happening in the future.


It's the ego that wants to control everything. It wants to know a future plan, a way out, a safety mechanism. This is not about that. This is about surrendering to whatever comes, living in the moment and dealing with whatever comes up that is so perfect.


And that is such a great segue into my next question, which is, I think both of you, in some of our messages that we've exchanged and also in a one on one, have said that you're never given more than you can handle. And I think we even said that in the last podcast. You're never given more than you can handle. Here's how I used to think back in the day when I heard that, I would think, oh, okay. To me it's like, well, then people do kill themselves, right? So they were kind of given more than they can handle, right? But that's not where you guys are saying, can you kind of touch on that a little bit? What does it mean that you're never given more than you can handle? Can you guys explain that a little bit?


Yeah, I think in the sessions we were talking about on energetical level, on spiritual awakening, so how much energy you can absorb in your system, or how much energy is coming through for you, or also the spiritual experiences you have. So it's always in an amount that you can handle it, and also your system couldn't absorb more anyways. So from that point of view, on the other hand, what you said about that people kill themselves, how I see this is the soul has a purpose in his life or something that it wants to experience. And this is just part of what soul wants to experience. So I guess it's something different. It's the soul plan. So that's how I see it. Yes.


I guess I was speaking on both avenues. I'm glad you clarified so energetically. When you get too much, you're never given more than you can handle, right? You're never given so much energy that you would go and do something like that, right?


No. You can't damage your system or anything. No, I mean, you can have traumatic experiences if openings are happening that you don't prefer forced openings. So people have that sometimes they go to somebody and they just open certain areas they shouldn't be forcefully opening. Then they have a lot of energy happening, maybe a lot of trauma coming up at once, and they're not prepared of that. And that's when they have very hard times and hard experiences. But in the end, it's about processing through that then, and eventually it will be fine. Right.


It's just a hard time, but yeah, you get as much as you can handle.


And sometimes you just need to integrate the changes that have happened. And that can take time as well. That can take a period of time just to get to know what's happened in your system. The changes, the shifts, integration.


Yeah. And it's also about trusting that everything will be fine after that and not getting caught up and too much, if possible, in, let's say that the negative experiences and then basically go down the rabbit hole, because I'm seeing this as well in people. So they have major experiences and they kind of lose track of what's important and then they go a bit down the rabbit hole sidetracked. Yes. So that happens.


And that's exactly these are great segues into my next question is something we just talked about Eva too. And you had said something that really stood out to me, and I got chills when you said this in your voice message to me. You said, the spiritual ego can become even bigger than the regular human ego. Can you explain that? Because I was having some things again. I was like, what's going on here? And you're like, Listen, Ken spiritual ego could be so much bigger than the regular human ego. Can you explain that? That sent chills down my I mean.


You know, when you start on this path and you have these really great experiences, right? You have light coming in, you feel like, infinite. You feel strong, you feel powerful, whatever kind of experiences you have. And then the ego, right? If the ego is still very intact and still very active, it kind of starts claiming these experiences for itself. It's like, my experience. I'm somebody special.


I am the chosen one.


Something like that. So the ego will totally claim all of these experiences for itself and this can totally happen. Yes.


Yeah. And I think it was Nasargadata that said something to the tune of when someone becomes Enlightened, that the ego was like, I have become enlightened. And then he said, what have you done? Like, you've done something. But it was the divine that allowed the enlightenment, the ego thinks it was the one that grabbed it and took hold of it. It's like, well, you did things to put it in place, but it was the divine that came in and was ushered in. But the ego thinks it did it, right? Am I getting that right? Is that what he had meant?


So the ego or the individual doesn't get anything from enlightenment. It just doesn't. Okay? It thinks it does. It's chasing enlightenment as an attainment to make itself complete. But what happens is enlightenment wakes up and starts to look out through your eyes. Not you attaining some state and going, wow, I did it, I'm here, I've arrived, I am great, I'm enlightened. That's not what this is. This is awakeness awakening in you and then looking out through your eyes.


Now there's just two parts of it there's that awakeness, that enlightenment that's there. And then you also have your part, your individual unit of consciousness that has free will. The two of them are now cohabiting in the same system. So you have awareness and you have your being there wrapped up as one. But the individual, the ego gets nothing. It doesn't get enlightened.


Yeah, I can speak from direct experience. So I wanted to reach LoC 1000. So unity, consciousness, because I didn't like my life and I wanted to feel better. Right. And by interacting with Garrett, he seemed to be happy and have a good life. And I just thought, okay, if I get to LLC 1000, I will also feel that way. Which didn't happen because the ego then in the end that was expecting these changes or this gaining of something beautiful, better than I experienced before, didn't get anything. And that was really tough for a while.


It's the booby prize. The ego gets the booby prize. It gets nothing.


It gets nothing.


It ends up being really hard, deflated.


And yes, it was really hard for a while. So this can happen.


Yeah. Because that implies there's something out there that I don't have, which implies a duality. Right. And it's like the ego, it's gaining.


Something to you getting something and you feel like I'm more than before or I'm happier than before. I have my love than before. Whatever it is, you feel like you're getting something, but you get nothing.


It's a deconstruction. The ego gets deconstructed.




Wow. And that is a great segue into my next question, which came up a know when I was going through it in the beginning, after my mushroom experience, I detailed right up in Canada in your last podcast, I had started reaching out to everyone. And so I reached out to a man by the name of David Sweet. He's a near death experience researcher. He's researched over 2000 people who has had near death experiences and they all come back with these common things that they say. Right. And it's very similar to what you guys say. Right.


And so my brain is I have this cross section. If I'm going to believe something, it has to be conceptual and experiential. I think that's like most of humans, right? And so I needed to understand, is this what most people who are high level are like, right? Near death experience researchers, you guys, all these really high level is there commonality and there is there is commonality. And he said something that just I couldn't believe. And he had said that a lot of people come back and they say that Earth is the hardest place to incarnate on. Okay? He said that he calls them us being the Navy Seals of souls. Right? You incarnate in all these other planets, all these different places, maybe as different density beings or whatever it may be for many millennias, because you're preparing, if you can, there's sort of like a quote unquote application process, although that's just a human concept that you don't really apply, but you have to prepare to come here. And he said that this is the fastest place for your soul to advance.


You can go somewhere easier, but there's so much emotion, it's so much at stake here that it's like this is where you go to evolve the fast. It's like you could walk up to a mountain or you can sprint, bleeding and breathing really hard. It's extremely hard, but you get up there faster. Is this what your guys'experience would you say that's an accurate statement. What is your experience with that?


Eva? Do you want to start with that? Well, I can go because I have experience with my life in between lives. And I think we spoke about this a little bit, Ken, at one stage where I became aware of where I am when I'm not in a human body and I have access to kind of rest and recuperation when I'm there, and then I can choose what I want to do when I come in. That's what I did before this life. I was also shown my last three lives. Let me just see where that question was going. Okay, so just to answer your question, yes, this is where the rubber meets the road. This is how to evolve as fast as you can. To get rid of as much fear as possible, we need to come into a body, right? We need to have a certain set of rules that are in place.


If we were just disembodied, floating around in a really blissful state, there'd be no learning, there'd be no evolution. We'd just be sat there going, isn't this blissful? Nothing would get done, nothing would evolve. So, yes, we come here to evolve as fast as possible. But again, the universe has all the time in the world, so it's not really about speed either. That's the opposite thing. So we can have lifetime after lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. Universe doesn't care as long as we're making some sort of progress.


In eva.


Yeah. I mean, for me, I didn't have dreams or anything like that. For me, it's more like I just have the knowing in my system. So the knowing is there and what comes up in session, people. And this came actually up in that this is the plane, or that Earth is the plane, where this possibility is here to merge with the Divine as fast as possible. In the times we are at the moment, this possibility is even a lot higher. So that's what I get a lot. So we are in a very special time because this possibility is just there and can be chosen and taken and experienced.




So that's what I think we get.


That's the work we do, right? I don't know. It's just a specific time. So a lot of old rules don't apply anymore. A lot of old stuff we don't need anymore. So it's all about resetting the system. That's what the transmissions are doing also. That's what I do with my work. Resetting the system, clearing it so that we are ready for merging with the Divine basically, and going forward to something else.


Sorry, go ahead.


I was just going to say about the fact that we have bodies, right? Our bodies are feedback mechanisms, right? We have these amazing bodies designed to feel and to give us back. We have emotions, we have feelings. We can experience bliss in these bodies. So this is where you come to evolve as fast as possible, especially when we start to evolve spiritually. We get to experience bliss through these bodies. When I get into these out of body states, I don't feel bliss, I feel bliss in my body.


So it's kind of like a reward system in that you've evolved. I'll just tell you how I kind of tried to explain it as somebody that's been studying this and experiencing for like five months now. It leads to that. It leads to that the universe rewards you. Okay? So if you're God, god includes all experiences, right? We call it a larger conscious system. We'll just say God for right now. And in that subsect of experiences includes over here, God not knowing itself. Here's God knowing itself, here's, god not knowing it's God.


And that's where we are, right? And so just by default, having all experiences. You can ask a Christian, a Muslim, anybody. You say we can all agree that if God has all experiences, that includes God not knowing God. Or here you are, right? And this is the place where God doesn't know where God is. And so if you're also God, and you have to have experiences, and you really are going to have the most extreme experiences, right? The ones where the stakes are the highest, how would you create that game? Okay, if I were God, okay, I would create it so that they're really big stakes. Like you're going to die and you don't know what happens right, technically for a while. And there's going to be pain. You're going to see death everywhere and there's going to be immense amounts of going to be disease.


You could die at any time, right? And then you live in this. And David switched in near death experience, or researcher says this as well. Our universe is a love fear duality, and I think Tom Campbell says the same thing. So every time, given your individuated unit of consciousness, who you are, god has to experience like being the daughter of an alcoholic so that he can learn as a Chinese girl in the 15 hundreds daughter of an alcoholic, what that feels like, and to choose love over fear, given that life. And then in my life in Kentucky, what it was revealed to me with supreme knowledge, it felt like, was during that Samadhi experience. It was like God wanted to learn what it was like to be born into poverty in a place and planted with this seed that you're not going to get along with anybody truly on your own and you can't relate to anybody. You have to leave your hometown to go find spirituality. Eventually you got to learn what fame is like to have it all taken away, learn to have really good health is like all that taken away.


And I was trying to explain that in the podcast, but I tried to keep it within this time frame and that was so powerful. That was when I realized, oh my God, that's what he was talking about. And would you agree with that? Would you say that that's a pretty accurate description?


Well, I mean, it wants to have experience of everything. It's like there's seven and a half billion perspectives that God can experience through all of these different forms in this reality. This reality has a rule set, like we need food. We don't just stay in the one place, right? We don't just go, I don't want to deal with this reality. I'm just going to sit here in my room and never leave. There's a rule set that's pushing us that we have to go out, we have to get food, we have to earn money, we have to pay the bills. This is all things to keep gently nudging us along, to keep going out and interacting with others. And that's where all the learning comes, is truly interaction.


It's not by sitting in a cave meditating. It's by being back in the marketplace, interacting with hundreds of other people.


Eva, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


On this as mean. So how I see this is the soul, which is part of God, or God is also in the soul. A spark of God wants to have just multiple different experiences, and every soul wants to have multiple different experiences, and they can be experienced in this plane or on earth throughout multiple lifetimes. And the main goal is to merge with the divine and it just takes multiple lifetimes to evolve, to gain a little bit more consciousness every lifetime, more knowledge, more experience. Yeah. Until one day the soul decides to, okay, it's enough here. I learned enough, I experienced enough, and then I can move on and leave this plane, basically. And this is most people we're working with.


So there are people who've incarnated many times and kind of the soul knows now, okay, it's time. We want to awaken, and we want to end this journey here.


Wow. So then that means that eventually the soul reaches a point where it's like, again, I feel like you guys are trying to explain these multidimensional five dimensional concepts in a three dimensional communication pattern, which is very difficult. Right. That's a very difficult thing. And do you guys run into those issues a lot? You're in human form, with human language, and how does it feel for you guys to try to explain something like, you just did something that is way beyond our comprehension, and you're trying to filter it down to a level for people like everyone else, essentially. It has to be difficult.


Yeah, I think it's difficult to talk about it, but I feel like the information that comes through is very simple. The mind makes it very big and puts so many thoughts into it and kind of how do you say it expands it and wants to figure stuff out. But the information that I get, for example, it's always very simple, it's very clear, and it's helpful, and it's to the point. And I don't really think about these things you just asked, for example. It just never appears. These questions, they don't come up for me, for example. They come up maybe for a few people, sometimes in sessions, that people understand why they hear and why they have to suffer and stuff like that. So that kind of they need an explanation, but other than that, I guess it's not so relevant.


Yeah. That's how I see it.


Gareth as well.


Yeah. I don't get into all of the mind stuff. I don't sit and lecture. My whole thing is, come and join me and have a direct experience. That's what I keep reiterating that over and over and over again. Direct experience. You can read about it, you can watch all the YouTube videos. You can have a concept about what that is, but nothing is going to match your direct.


Yeah. And then also with having the direct experiences. Right. You sit in a meditation, and then you get these realizations anyways. Yeah, exactly. So it's not the mind reading something, understanding. It's more like it comes out of your beingness, oh, this is how it works, or, that's how it works, and this is what really sticks, and this is expansion. Right.


So it's all about that. Yeah.


Okay. I see what you're saying. This is a theory I had I'd love to confirm with you guys right now based on that. And that is that where does depression, for example, depression come from? Okay. So when you look at a lot of depression, we try to explain depression. It's like, well, depression happens because you're sitting in your bed all day not doing anything. Right? But nobody asks, why does depression kick in when you sit in your bed to do nothing all day? Or why does depression and so yeah, Gareth, can you explain?


So it's the decision space gets smaller and smaller, right. That's what it is. And when somebody gets depressed, the decision space becomes so small that they just sit in bed all day. They just don't go outside of their room. And all of a sudden, all them decisions that the possibilities that could be out there aren't there because they're just stuck in their room being depressed.


And it's your soul screaming at you like, this is not what we're here for. It's like a signal from the soul.


Exactly. That's exactly what it is. Yeah.


And energetically, I see people who are depressed, so the system is very shut down. I'm not saying there's no energy flowing, but there is little energy flowing. There is little life force flowing. It's like a brick wall. And it's really hard to push this brick wall down. So I've been working with people with heavily depression. If people got it because they have an illness, for example, like cancer, and they had it for a few months or even years because of that illness, it's easy to get rid of because brick after brick, we just remove. But if people have been like that for 30 years, for example, they don't even know why.


It's quite difficult. It takes a long time to reverse. Yes. So they need to put a lot of work in.


Yeah. And that's like the cyclical. It's hard to put in the work when you don't have the energy to put in the work. Right? Yeah.


It's more difficult.


It is. There's this one therapist who he doesn't like. He's kind of famous on YouTube, but he doesn't like when people say, although it may be true, he says, let's say it's true that your soul dolls come here to learn lessons or you get depressed for those reasons. He goes, it doesn't necessarily help the person who's going through and it's not really validating because it's conceptual thing. You can't see it. There's a veil. So how does that information help you? Right. And that's what he had said.


And I thought, he does kind of have a point in that. When I heard that the first time for my mushroom experience, I was like, yeah, let's say that's true, because some of my friends would tell me that. And I was like, okay, but that doesn't actually help me right now. How does that help me? Right. And so when you have somebody like myself in that situation comes to you guys in session, and they. Say, okay, great, guys, what do I do practically, right? What would you say to somebody like that?


I mean, when I have a session with those people, I just start working on the system and clearing. I just start clearing. So it will take multiple sessions to clear low vibrational energy. So the system is like that. It's tight. Like Garrett said, the decision space is very small, right? So it's all about unraveling that tightness and kind of get some space in there. So this takes some time, if people have enough perspective or energy to, for example, do the YouTube videos and do my meditation. So I had, for example, a case like that.


He had cancer, very depressed, couldn't get out of bed anymore, didn't have any life purpose. We had four sessions, and then I told him to do the videos. He did the video every day, and after a month, he felt really good again. He actually felt good stuff again. We had like ten sessions all in all, and he felt better than before. He had more energy. He accepted that he has this illness. He totally understood what I was sharing with him, but he was very open.


That's the thing. He just wanted to have help, and he was open, and he also still had the energy to help himself, to do the videos, sustain the energy. And I have cases where this is not the case, so they are not even able to sit down on a day like once and watch this video. So you need this little spark in you or this little hope that help is there, and you can receive the help if that's not there, it's very difficult. So, yeah, that's my experience.


And you guys can maybe through the transmissions or can maybe break something apart, some of that density, so that that little spark can come.


Potentially, yeah, it's possible.


Yeah. Look, I don't have an awful lot of experience working with people with depression because I just find they're not attracted to this work at that stage. So most of the people I get that come to me aren't suffering from depression. I just don't have it. Sometimes there's one or two that will come, they'd be suffering from depression. But generally, I don't get a lot of people coming with depression.


To me, myself included, I had just gotten out of five years of it with the mushroom experience. Right, yeah, I totally get what you're saying. Okay. That was a very important one to me in the very beginning stages, that one. And I think a lot of people kind of come and ask that question. It's like, okay, where do I go from here? Where do I even begin? Where do I start? Because we all have suffering, right? And some of us have varying levels of suffering, and I think that's probably the first place where people suffer is with depression, right?


Yeah. But in your case, right, I don't know you when you were depressed, right? But I feel like you're very aliveness in your system. You have a lot of energy. You wanted to get out of it, you wanted to find a reason and stuff like that. So that's very different. So we're talking about people who sit at home and they can't get out of bed or out of the house or can't even walk anymore. That kind of depression that's really hard to break through. But that depression you have or had, it's so much easier, it's so much.


Easier to work yeah, but Eva, that could also be dejection. That could be lifetime after lifetime of realizing that you can't find lasting happiness in the outside world and that's the soul sending out the call for something greater than itself to come in and help and that's what happened in Ken's instance yeah.




And pain is also one of the biggest learning tools that we have is pain. It moves us like nothing. We don't want to sit in pain day after day we want to get out of it.


I had no choice. I was faced with extinction. I was not going to go on living like that. People that kind of have those thoughts, right? Or even try to go that far. It's not that they don't want to live. It's that they don't want to live like this. They just don't want to live like this. And the pain becomes so extreme that you can't even imagine going on with all the information patient in the world.


And there was a time right before I met you guys. I mean, four and a half years, I wasn't in and out of more mental hospitals than I could count, and I couldn't do anything. There were many days I was just laying in bed screaming, no phone. I was just laying in bed and I was screaming and I was like, what kind of life is this? This doesn't make any sense. And then eventually, I had that opening. And my thing is, and I'd love to hear you guys'thought on this is get something, whether it's through the transmissions or maybe it was the guided meditation mushroom experience, or there's this peptide called PE 22 28, which is better than SSRIs. We all have peptides inside of us that can ignite you over a few days. Get that something, and then the energies can be easier to come in.


Would you guys agree with that? Get something going, like something at all what would you guys say about that?


Look, I don't implement any sort of external substances for what the work I do, but generally I see people who have gone through depression, anxiety. It's led them to something like ayahuasca mushrooms therapy with MDMA. And I think it's fabulous if it opens them up to the possibilities that there is something a greater reality out there. Amazing. Go for it. If they do it safely and they do it with someone who's trained. Amazing. The thing is to not keep going back and doing them, because I think they'll also limit your potential to grow.


I think the best thing the training wheels. Yeah. You just need to get into your own practice, meditating, doing the transmissions that will take you further without psychedelics and other ingredients and stuff like that that you just mentioned.


I think Eva would agree.


Yes, I agree. I have nothing to add.


That's funny. That's actually question number six on my list is you guys agree so much. Do you guys ever disagree on something in spirituality?


I mean, only on the fact that I was faster running up the mountains than Eva. I think that's the only thing we disagreed on.


Yeah, we both like to run fast.


I run faster.




I'm joking.


No, you did. You were he's a man. Men are just a little bit stronger. You have longer legs, you're a little bit lighter. I know many reasons. No, I mean spiritually. Not really, because I feel like if you're at the same place, looking from the same perspective, you just see the.


Same not even a slight bit.


I'm yet to disagree on anything that I hear coming from Eva.


Same, because you'll hear different spirituality teachers. It's so hard. For somebody like myself, it's not even hard. It's like we assume that you guys are on the same level, but then we hear other people that are on different levels and there's different flavors of so some people will come with a different perspective than others. Right. And so is it because how is it that you guys are on the same level? I'm curious about that.


Okay, so firstly, some of the stuff that Eva talks about, it's not my direct experience. Okay. So it's not in my data set. It's not my truth. Right. So I just leave it in the realm of possibilities. Right. That's an amazing possibility.


I don't shut it down, but I don't go, okay. That's how it has to be. It's just I know Eva, I trust Eva very much, but I'm open to everything. Even if it's not my direct experience. I'm like, okay, well, Eva's doing really well. She explains it very well. So I just accept it as a possibility. Okay.


I never dismiss anything, ever. It's just okay, there's something new that I don't know about, so it's a possibility that I can come and explore in the future. So I just have that attitude. I'll never dismiss anything.


Yeah. And then there is also something which is not my direct experience. Does it resonate or not? Because, I mean, there is this radar inside you, right. Does it sound is it the highest truth or is it, uh so that's one thing. And then mean, I feel like know, we're walked the same path, basically. I saw how Garrett evolved. So we probably have the similar language. Not everything is similar but most of it I just use different words sometimes for describing.


And then also we are very similar. The personality is kind of very similar in certain ways. We prefer the same things. So it's like this is there as well, and then it just makes it.


More yeah, our work ethic is very similar.


Yes, I agree.


Yeah. Has there ever been a situation where, you're know, I don't know, garrett said that, but I wonder if that's true. Has that ever do how do you check for truth? That's my next question is how do you check for truth in anything? In anything? What is the process? What does it look like when you check for truth?


So it's just a knowing. It's a feeling for me. When people talk to me and they explain things and they'll tell me things, I match the energy behind the words to my direct experience, so they can be telling me something that sounds so amazing and wonderful and oh, isn't this. And in the background, it's like my energy is syncing with their energy. And I'm reading the energy, not the words. So it's like I have this meter that's with everything. It's like that with everybody I just read. So, yes, they may have read lots of books, and they may have memorized all these different states of consciousness and awakening, and they may know it really well and be able to talk about it.


But you can't take away from the fact that my energy is able to sync with your energy and I'm able to read that like a book completely without 100% what's it like to date you guys.


You can never be lied to. Did you take out the dress? Oh, yeah, I totally took it out. Hang on 1 second.


No, you didn't.


I could see right here.


As funny as that is, it's not like that for something.




Usually when I'm working with people and it's like knowings are just knowings. It's just a flow state. It's not like you have this ability, and it is like, oh, I can just switch this on, and it just guides me through everything. That's not exactly how it works. It's just there. It's just there, and it feeds wisdom. It's just a knowing. It's just like, you know yeah.


And it's the same for me. So when I'm working with people so in the beginning, they kind of share stories and stuff like that, and it's just like I hear it, but it's like it goes through energetically somehow. So it's not that I really hear the words. It's more like, okay, what's the vibe? And then when I tune into the system, I see what's going on there know, it's basically that's why you don't need to share before the sessions any information with me, because I see it in the system and with Garrett, that's what Garrett already said before. It's just this total trust there that I just unconditionally do we say it like that trust. Yeah, totally. So it's more than 1000% trust there. So that's why.


The trust in that this is truth. It comes in, and it's like, without a doubt, to the same degree that when I wake up in the morning, I trust that when my legs hit the ground, I'm going to be able to walk through the bathroom. It's like a guaranteed I don't have to think about that level of trust. And that's what you're saying.


I don't know if that will work for me tomorrow after the workout Eva gave me today.


What you guys do today?


When we were running in Portugal, we ran uphill. It was so hard and tough, and Gary was like, yeah, the only thing we need to do is feel pain at the moment when we were running.


That's our job is to feel pain. For that 1 hour, for that moment, it's our job to feel pain.


And then this morning, he was like, okay, he's going to do a workout. And I thought, okay, Garrett likes to feel pain, so I'm going to send him a really tough workout. And I did. It was a letter workout, and, yeah, he found it really tough, and he replied, do you want to kill me?


Yeah, I think my legs are like jelly, so I don't know if I'll be able to have that trust that you have. Ken about getting to the bathroom in the morning.


She's just increasing your decision space.




That's all she's doing. She's, like, paying to the extreme as part of that decision space. I like that you guys actually are workout buddies, too. It's such an interesting dynamic with you guys because she was studying I don't know if studying is the right word, but maybe studying under you for a while. And you talked about this in last podcast, that you guys coming to the same level, that's got to be such a pride. Is that a good word, would you say?


I mean, okay. We briefly touched on it that in Portugal, we both developed the ability to give Darshan, and we both sat up. We gave everybody in the room darshan, and then at the end of the darshan, I knelt down in front of Eva and received darshan from her. And in that moment, I felt love. I felt joy. I was so proud of her. But it's not pride. It's not oh, it's just I was, you know how how far has Eva come? Yeah.


That was a beautiful moment.


Yes, it was a beautiful yes.


Which by the Eva, I saw your last pre recorded zoom with the Darshan. I totally get what you guys are saying.


Yeah. So the thirsty meditation when I did yeah.




So there will be a Darshan video today from the bus recorded already.


Yeah, we did one today.


I just want to add something. So when the brahman shift happened for me, a big shift happens. That's what's projecting anything outwards to anybody falls away. Right. So before I saw Garrett as my guide, I guess, or as my teacher, and with the brahma shift, this totally falls away. So I don't see that in him anymore, and I don't see that in Madameira or anybody. Everybody's exactly the same.


Everybody's the same.


This has fallen away. And this is also why we can work together so well, because we're just equal. Yeah. But I have to say, I learn a lot from, like, from his attitude, from how he is. Like, Garrett, I learned so much from you. I tell you all the time, and this is very true that's still but it's not like from a teacher student perspective at all. It's just from my friend perspective. Yes.


And I'm very grateful for that. So I can grow a lot. Yeah.


Thank you, Eva. Can you guys see that when someone comes to you, because there are people of varying, you can see the level of consciousness in people. And I think that Gareth, you had said in one of our one on ones that and maybe you could explain this. The average transmission, I think you said, can raise you between it was, like, ten to 20 points. You have your own scale outside of the Hawkins scale for 1000. Right. Can you explain that a little bit?


The LoC? And again, this is direct experience of working with over 150 people over the last three years. I have recorded every single session that I've done from the very beginning, the introduction, measuring their LoC and working with them, people, bringing them to wherever they get. Some get to 1000, some don't. So on average, I look at all of the information I have, and I see that in one session, the LoC raises by about 25. Okay, maybe don't quote me on it, but I think on an average lifetime, the LoC, without the spiritual transmissions, it only goes up by about ten to 15 each life.


That's per lifetime?


Per lifetime.


And so when you're talking about procession transmission, are you talking about the group individual? Okay, if you had to give and there's all guesses and everybody's different, we have to say that caveat. But if you had to measure that same 150 people, what would you say for the group? Meditations. Right. Your groups slower.


Much slower. It's much slower. So I discovered that when I was receiving shaktipas, okay, that my Kundalini awoke, my Kundalini start rising. But it did absolutely nothing for my LoC. Now, maybe it rose somewhat, but it didn't take me to where I needed to get, which was LoC 1000 or unity consciousness. The Sat didn't do that either. It was the light transmissions. That's what it brought my okay, and let me just quickly just give you my understanding of what's happening.


So unity consciousness or enlightenment is information. It's the greatest information. Okay? And then we are separate from that we see ourselves as separate individuals. So when I do a session, I open up your container and I pull in that greater information in the metaphor of light into your system. So where there's darkness, I pull in light. Where there's ignorance, I pull in unity, okay. Down into all the chakras anything. So I'll start with the root chakra, anything that's in opposition, that's obstructing unity, consciousness.


I see it as darkness. I'll flush that darkness out. I'll bring it down, out for the feet, down into the earth, and then I'll just keep doing that over and over. I'll be working on your system, bringing in greater information. Yeah, but light is a metaphor for information, greater information that's my metaphor evo.


How do you describe light?


I mean, I work with different lights than Garrett. The Darshan is the same light, but all the other lights, they're different, although they kind of have similar qualities sometimes. It always depends for what you're using for. So there is light, and then you pick basically whatever you need for whatever you're doing at the moment. That's what we do. That's it.


You just intuitively which one is needed.


Yeah, I basically pick what I need. I know what the content is of that light or the information, and that's what I draw down into the person's system, and that's it.


And just to add to that really quickly, it's very simple. Yeah. The light becomes organized, so the light is there. Right. But when we work with it, we use it. We use our intent to focus that light, to perform certain actions, like clear karma, like trauma, stuff like that. I use it to awaken. This is where me and Eva, just very slightly she's doing it to heal holistic I'm more geared towards what I do with people, is try and awaken, so but it's just our intent, how we work with us.


Is that okay? Eva?


Yes, totally. And that's the thing. But everybody can do that, just sharing. That's why I said it's so simple. Because you can draw down light love, for example. Light that contains the information of love and just flood your system with it. You totally can do that. But most people don't do it because they feel like they cannot.


That's the problem. But it's available, so just saying.


Yeah, I just started doing that recently. Yeah, and the grounding, too. I just started doing that recently. Evie and I talked about it in our last podcast when I was like, oh, I can do this to myself. Oh, my God. And I just started doing that recently. I was like, why don't I just try to I focused on my root. And I was like, I'm just going to say I want to bring down divine light from the and I say things like a mantra or I'll say, Divine Mother, assist me for my highest good, sending light into my root chakra at this specific point to help me eliminate this fear that I think it's where it's coming from.


And I also call on the Ascended Masters and anybody who is beyond the veil who can help me, assist me in this matter. And wouldn't you believe it, it worked. I could start to feel it working a little bit. What was that like when you guys started to realize that? I feel like it's like the beginning of this new I don't know, this new healing power. I don't want to call it a power, but for lack of a better term, is this what your process and evolution was like when you started to oh, I can do that.


So I just want to say first, that's so cool that you were able to do it and that you reached out to the Divine Mother. And I want to encourage you to really use the highest lights. So love, light, Truth, the Divine Mother, God, use the highest lights because there are dimensions. Then you can use lights from different dimensions, but just always use the highest because it's the purest and that's what is going to bring you where you want to go. So that's really good.


No, I was just going to say that.


Say that. To say to pull the highest light in my mind, say pull the highest light. Is that what you mean?


Yeah, you just said that you would ask for the help of anyone that's beyond the veil. I don't think that's a good idea. Because it's beyond the veil. Right. Just because they're beyond the veil doesn't mean they're evolved. So you need to make your affirmation that their level of consciousness is beyond yours, equal to or beyond what you're at.


So you get choose your words carefully.


Oh, 100%. You could have all sorts coming in, trying to help.


Yeah, but my intent but what about intent? I think the Divine Mother would know my intent though, right? Or maybe not.


It's your word. It's like a Google search engine. You can type in anything and you'll get goblins and all sorts coming up in your search history.


That's where I was going wrong. I was like, well, she knows what I'm talking about.


No, you have to be 100% direct. You have to spell it out.


Yeah, and that's why use the highest lights. And don't use any lower dimensional lights, use the highest ones. So universe, no fairy healing, no unicorn, all of these.


We're not against unicorns, but just use the highest. We love you.


Yeah, but if you have access to the highest, why not use it? And that's where you want to go, right? The end game is to merge with the Divine. So why not go direct and work with the Divine anyways from the beginning?


Okay. I feel like there's a lot of people out there that can get a lot from that because maybe I am the only dumb dumb out there that's like, hey, she knows you're not.


There's loads of them.


No, but I know what you mean. It's how I feel. I'm getting so many chills from this, and I want to keep it from within the hour. So this would be my final question in relation to that. And I kind of wanted to end on a really cute note.




And it relates to the story back and it relates to everything we just talked about. All right, pull it all in. Tie a nice little bow on story. What I told you guys during that process. But Eddie my dog, right? That was my Pomeranian and Gareth, we talked about this one one on and I started crying whenever you talked about.


It is.


Not uncommon in my life. You can ask any of my exes. Crying has been a thing in my life. Not afraid to do dog something I didn't touch on in our podcast. It's a little bit of an update was I had to rehome that dog. I came back to America with my dog and he was there for me during the four months while I was waiting to figure out if I was going to prison in Korea and he was licking me. It's just beyond adorably cute. I would give him to somebody and their energy would raise up and they would go, oh.


And he would bring literal happiness to people. Wavy he had something about him, and I was like, something about this dog is different. People would beg me to dog sit for they he's just that cute and his energy so I come back to America and I'm trying to get him to be a cancer dog at a cancer hospital and to help kids. But I had to rehome him. I got so sick, I couldn't take care of him. I had to rehome. Hardest decision of my life. And so I found out three months ago that the person I rehomed him to is this guy that has multiple cabins in the woods in Colorado.


Eddie's like, really ripped now he runs in the woods and he's like, oh, yeah, by the way, I don't know if you know this, but I take him to the children's cancer ward and he goes, yeah. And he said, I took him there. And there was one girl who had cancer for two years, and she was like, three years old. She never spoke a he. The first time he went laid down, same size as her, she hugs him and her first sentence ever was, I love you. It's like, holy shit. And I was shown during my experience that giving up Eddie was really hard. But he came to me when I first saw him again after he know he's a cancer hospital dog.


And he was licking me. And I felt this feeling of like, hey, you helped me by giving me a better life, and I'm now helping other children as a direct result. And then you told me, Gareth, something that I'll never forget, and you had said that it very well is his last lifetime as a dog, and the next one, he's going to become a human. Right. And dogs have emotions. There's a reason why dogs have emotions, and it's sort of like they're practicing to become a human and that he actually is an evolved dog, more than likely. And can you explain that a little bit? Because that just really touched my heart.


Okay, so that's not my direct experience, but that is a possibility, right. That the dogs come into close contacts with human to get to know how we work, how we are. They sit with us, they learn, because all animals will eventually get to a stage where they come into human form. That's what's happening in this reality. So that is a possibility, and that your dog was at that level where he was ready to come in as a human possible.


So in consciousness, when you're learning, there's different densities of conscious second density. So you start off maybe as an Amoeba. You play the Amoeba game, right? And then you master the Amoeba game after many lifetimes as an amoeba. And then this is also an explanation of life. And then, like, okay, you're playing the plant game and then the flower game and whatever the decision space of love over fear is for that. And then you eventually get up to this animal and that animal, and then you get to the ones that are closer to humans and eventually you're human. Is that correct?


Yeah. Well, again, it's not my direct experience. I'm sure I've gone through it all, but that's my understanding of it. Yeah.






And Yvonne, what would you say to that?


Yeah, it's also not my direct experience, but I just know that dogs are unconditionally. They have unconditional love in them. So beautiful. You can see the energy. Yeah. I mean, they're just so open. They come to you, they have an open heart, basically. And it's just so lovely to be around a dog.


And if the dog is really cute and really likes to hang out around humans as well, and it's very into humans, it's just such a beautiful experience. And yeah, dogs are unconditionally loving.


So you can read the energy of an animal as well, humans and animals. So if you were to have a dog, let's say, in session or anything, you could see the energy of the dog as well.


Yeah, I mean, yes, it's a lot simpler than in humans, but yes, totally. Yeah. It's a simpler structure. Simplest structure.


Okay, we got.


That was a really great question for the end, the last one. Thank you so much, Ken, and in general for your questions. They were really interesting. So thank you.


Thank you so much, Ken.


Thank you.


Eva. Amazing. Ken, we'll have you back on in the future again.


Love it, guys. I learned so. Much. I love this stuff. Yeah. Thanks again, guys. This is great.


Okay, thank you, everybody, for listening.


Okay, thank you, everybody. Bye.

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