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Understanding the Spiritual Being within

Writer's picture: True Spiritual Awakening True Spiritual Awakening


In the realm of spirituality, the concept of the spiritual being holds immense significance. It refers to a part of our consciousness that transcends the limitations of the human experience. On the Endless Possibilities Podcast, Episode 10, hosts Eva and Gareth delve into the depths of the spiritual being, exploring its nature and the transformative power it holds.

The Essence of the Spiritual Being:

According to the discussion on the podcast, the spiritual being is believed to reside within the back of the heart. It is an integral aspect of our souls and empowers us to overcome the last remnants of our humanness. While the activation of the spiritual being is more accessible to individuals further along the spiritual path, it is possible for everyone, as long as they have less trauma in their system.

Experiencing the Spiritual Being:

When the spiritual being is activated, individuals have a profound realization that transcends the human "stuff" – all the worries, desires, and attachments – and recognizes the perfection of everything as it is. It unveils our infinite, powerful, and wise selves, providing a gateway to experience life through the human form.

The Role of Light and Consciousness:

The podcast guest speaker mentioned their use of the Light Transmission technique throughout their journey. Initially, they used imagination to visualise the light, but with time, they progressed to sensing and perceiving it. A significant breakthrough occurred as they could manifest a column of light when closing their eyes. This light became a conduit for transformation and healing.

The Awakening Process:

The speaker introduced their new method of awakening consciousness through light transmissions. Rather than pulling the light down from above, they now open the person's system and bring a strand of light from the column above, anchoring it into the Earth. This approach intensifies the awakening process and fosters a more significant shift in consciousness.

Awakening Consciousness and the Psychic Being:

During the podcast, the discussion led to the exploration of the relationship between awakening consciousness and the psychic being. The psychic being is described as a higher aspect of our individual consciousness, connected to a higher source of information. It allows for a deeper sense of self-realization and the revelation of our true nature.

Caution and Patience on the Spiritual Journey:

The guest speaker emphasizes the importance of patience and caution while traversing the spiritual path. Rushing into teaching or forcefully attempting to awaken Kundalini energy can hinder growth and lead to stagnation. Instead, they encourage individuals to fully develop themselves before guiding others, and to allow the spiritual awakening to occur naturally, like a rose bud opening on its own.

Protecting and Expanding the Energy:

To ensure the safety and integrity of the energy awakening process, the speaker emphasizes protecting oneself using a "tube of light." As they anchor the energy into each chakra, they replace any negative attachments with perfect light. Ultimately, the energy expands beyond the individual's consciousness, merging with universal consciousness, and evolving into unity consciousness.


The concept of the spiritual being explores the depths of our consciousness and brings forth a profound transformation. It reminds us that the human experience is but a facet of our infinite existence. As we embark on our spiritual journey, it is crucial to approach it with patience, caution, and an openness to receive the guidance of our spiritual being. Through this, we can connect with our higher selves, tap into our unlimited potential, and embrace the unity consciousness that lies within us all.

Full Transcript of Endless Possibilities Podcast - Episode 10 - The Spiritual Being


Hello, and welcome to the Endless Possibilities podcast. Today's episode is number ten, and I'm here today with my good friend and co host Eva Mueller. Hello, Eva.


Hi, Gareth.


Hi. I just thought I'd get that Mueller in.


It the Muller? Yeah. I know you don't have that letter.


In in English doesn't exist. I know it's important to you, but it's not so important to us.


Well, it's know, when I see my surname with just OOH, there's just something missing. Yes, but what can you know? I know in English speaking countries, it's just not there, so it's okay. And also, my name in German is Eva, but everybody calls me Eva, so it sounds totally different than my actual name is, but I'm totally fine with it.


Okay, well, we're just going to stick with Eva. We're just going to stick with Eva because it's easier for us.


Yeah. So some people, even when they write me, they write Evwa because they think that's the yeah, but it doesn't matter. Yeah.


Okay. So, Eva, how have you been? I've just totally blanked what you just told me about your name there. Went straight back to my default.


Yeah, I'm great. Had a great week. Very good sessions. Also group sessions. Yeah. And it was really good. And in Austria, it's very hot at the moment. We have, like, 35 degrees, so I'm not really going outside.


Yeah, I'm not going outside either, but it's mainly due to rain. We have the opposite. Okay.


How has your week been?


I was on a retreat with Diana, so our guests last week, we went and we did a two day intensive, and we merged Shakti Pat and Diana's Modality, which is Kundalini activation. And I have to say now, it was really nice. Really a lot of open people, really beautiful. Lots of releases. Yeah. I think we spoke a little bit about it last week, how Diana works, where she's very skilled in seeing the traumas and the releases that are building up in people, and she's able to work with them and release them and help them get them out. So yeah, a lot of shouting, a lot of releasing beautiful energy. Yeah, a lot of people. A lot of new people that I met. So, yeah, really good. And then obviously, I'm on the countdown now to the Portugal intensive, so we're heading to that. So kind of preparing mentally for that and just kind of wrapping up all my sessions and blocking off my calendar.


Yeah, same for me. I'm also planning towards the retreat. It's like three more weeks. Is it? Or two and a half.


Yeah, two and a half more weeks.


Yeah. And I can't wait. I'm very much looking forward to see everybody again. Also, a few new people are there, right? So yeah, it's going to be so nice and warm. Yeah. Again. Do they have air conditioning in that room?


I hope so.


I hope.


So. Speaking about your sessions, Eva? How have the sessions been going? So what's been unfolding in your sessions as a pattern? Anything new coming up?


So actually what has been coming up for a few people now is the I guess I just call it the spiritual being. So the beingness that's in all of us and it's part of the soul or the soul and I see it residing in the back of the heart and I can activate it for some people and some people who are all further on the path. There is not so much trauma left in the system. I mean there is a little bit left and then there is like the realization there of unity for example and it's kind of integrated but then they don't experience the beingness yet and this kind of comes up in the sessions to activate it for them so that they can overcome the last bit that's there of the humanness so that the beingness basically takes over and they can have the experience in the session so that they see, okay, the rest of the human stuff that's still there. It's like totally irrelevant when you experience yourself. I mean, it's not separate, it's your being, it's you. But I just call it like that so it's easier to understand so that they experience themselves being infinite, full of power, full of wisdom, strong, and there's nothing, there no good, no bad. It's just no right or wrong. It's just everything is perfect as it is when you experience that. And yeah, I think that's so beautiful and yeah, that's actually kind of happening more now. And I decided to offer this as a group session from September.




More people are getting interested. Yeah. Did this ever come up for you in your sessions? Because you're working on the awareness part, so the realization part and the beingness is just then, okay, it can be through being aware and clearing the human system, it just comes forward. But is this something that ever came up for you?


Okay, so I think this is a really interesting topic and there's so much to it. Okay, so my first experience with what we were speaking about is the being. And we'll just sort of clarify what we mean by being and what we mean by awareness. At the core, at the very center of what we are is awareness is just the allower of everything, the witness to everything, the enjoyer of everything. Okay? But there's no bliss in the awareness. There's no joy. It's just awareness. Okay? And when people first have that opening up into awareness, it's so freeing and it's like, oh, wow. It's like taking off an uncomfortable shoe. It's just like, wow, this feels so amazing. At my core, I'm just spaciousness. Okay. But there's also another component to our being right to us as an individual unit of consciousness, and that's the spark of God or what you're calling the psychic being. And then there's also a lower part of that, which I would call the ego and the intellect. Okay, so it's the mind. It's like we're kind of wrapped up. It's like the spark and the soul are connected. Okay? So awareness is just awareness. The self the self waking up to the reality of itself. And that's usually the very first part of the awakening journey, is self realization. That's the first part. The self wakes up and it's only further on down the line that we start to figure out that there is something feeding information downwards. There's no up down, but it feels like there's information been fed from a higher source. And that, to me, would be the spiritual being trying to come forward.


So I guess some people call it the higher self. Yeah, higher self or just the soul. Or I call it spiritual being, and Sri Rabindra calls it the psychic being. So it's all the same. So I don't know. Do you know any other words for that? I think we covered them just so people know what we talk.


I would say I would refer to that as a spark of God. Okay, so the awareness is a droplet of brahmin descending down into creation. And then the psychic being is a spark. So one is a droplet, the other is a spark. So I see God as that cyan blue. And we're not talking about a person, we're talking about a plane of consciousness. And it's pure potential, it's pure wisdom, love. And when I merged with it, it was just a sea of cyan blue. It felt like love and bliss. And the spark that's within us is a spark of that descended down, encased in the soul, in the droplet of the brahmin. Okay, so we've got both qualities. We have the awareness and then we have the pure potential, free will, decision space. But most people aren't connected to their psychic being. They're connected to the lower mind, which is the ego and the intellect. And that's where they work from.


Yeah, exactly. Even though they are on the spiritual journey, it's opening up more. But it's like most people have experiences of it, maybe in a meditation, so maybe they experience it once or twice in meditation, but they probably don't even know what it is. But then, because there is less left in the system, the possibilities there to experience more of it. So it's also kind of dormant or it's not really doing anything, but when it gets activated, it also starts to work from inside out. So it also helps the process. So I see it sometimes just working in different areas of the body and the chakras or it's clearing things. You can communicate. Yeah.


Can you just talk to me about when you see that spiritual being awake in someone versus somebody who it's not there yet. Can you talk a little bit about that?


So it's not that I see that there is a difference in the system. It's more I get the impulse to do it, to awaken it for those people, and then I start feeling it. So it's like behind the heart and in the third eye. So that's where I feel it.


And you feel that in your system?


Yes, I feel it in my system.


So it's almost like your body is then replicating the person you're working on. So while you're working on them, you're feeling where that psychic being is. It's moving in, it's opening up in the heart.


I mean, that's in general, how I work. So I tune into people's system and I feel their system and I get information from the system, basically from people's system, and also from the base transmission that comes in. But then for some people, I get the impulse to activate it, and then I do it, and then it opens up from the heart. I mean, you can call it like a flower. I don't know what it's just like the energy basically is just opening up. And then I expand it throughout the whole system so that it's everywhere in the system. And also the third eye is important as well for that anchoring that and then I expand it everywhere, and then I hold the energy. And people can then feel themselves. So before they sit in a transmission and they feel the power in a transmission, so that's grace coming in from, let's say, external, and then they can experience this. They are that and that power and everything in themselves. And it's really powerful yeah. To see that this is them. And then this needs to be done a few times, kind of, so that it needs help or it can be helped that it gets faster, comes forward faster. I mean, its goal is to experience life through the human form. Okay. Yeah. So I expand it in a system, then I bring it forward. For some people, it actually stays for one or two days forward, so they actually experience life through that fully. And then it goes back. Yeah, until it one day.


Until I came across Sri Aurobindo and the psychic being, I didn't really understand what it was. There's a guy in my group who talks about it quite a bit, and he'd asked me about it and did I know what it was. But it wasn't until I was speaking with you and then looking back at my notes to about four or five years ago when I was meditating one day, and all of a sudden I felt something step into me. Like, literally, it felt like another being clicked, sat in and clicked into my system and I went, what is that? And then I just got this download of information to say that that was another aspect of me that was stepping, because I had awoken at this stage and I was going through, working my way through the different states of awakening. And the download I got, it wasn't like a voice told me, but it was just like sort of a knowing and the information just came and it was like, this is another aspect of you that wants to step in and experience life through your awakened state. And that's what it was. I was like, okay. Because when it happened, I felt, oh, was this an entity or was this some sort of spirit that just clicked in, jumped into my body? Because that's obviously what the mind might what was that that just jumped in? But there was nothing bad. Life went on. So that was the psychic being stepping in.


Yeah. Also, on this point, I want to share that your system is full, so nothing can step in. So just to clarify that, because people are scared of that, and if the system is complete and full and when you experience other aspects of yourself, it could feel that it's something external. External. But then there is the external. Yes. But in your system, you're complete. Yeah.


Just diva, just to add on to that. So people should not put as much fear on negative entities or beings trying to jump into their body or attach them to they should just relax more, not worry about this sort of thing. Most of the time, any of that kind of thing that pops up for people, it's usually something within themselves that's just coming up and they think, oh, what is this? It must be an entity, or it must be something trying to cause problems in my system. Normally, it's just ourselves, right?


Yeah. It's aspects of ourselves that has been hidden or it pushed down and it comes up and it also can feel very unfamiliar and very alien. I don't know. Kind of weird, but, yeah, it's always.


Aspects and people should just concentrate on bringing themselves back to the self love instead of focusing on external negative beings and entities. Because normally it's just ourselves.


Definitely. So you probably experienced the spiritual being coming in.


Really cool, because the person kept asking me, he goes, have you experienced this? I was like, I don't know. What this? I no idea what you're talking about, this spiritual being, until a few other people started reading the Sri Aurobindo's books. And it just came up in conversation, I think, on one of the.


And, like, how this came up for me. So when I did the healing work and it just came up for me to do, so I did it and I had no idea what it is. I just knew, okay, that's a part of the person and it's a divine part or it's very powerful and so on. So I just knew that. But I had no idea about Sri Robindo, about the psychic being. And then somebody recommended the book and I just read a little bit about it and then I knew right away that's, you know, because we can connect to any energies we want and to any beings we want. So I connected to Sri Robindo and the Mother and asked them about if that's what I'm doing, and they confirmed, and they kind of told me a few things about yeah, really cool that this is a yeah. And it's coming up for people now, so that's interesting as well.


So the psychic being is stepping in and coming forward. And then the lower part, the ego and the intellect, is kind of we're not saying it's going away, but it's going down less and less and less. And the spiritual being is coming forward more and more. Right?


Yeah. So how I see this is basically the spiritual being comes forward, and the leftovers go in the background.


That's how I see very, very interesting. Okay, so what's getting in the way? Eva of the spiritual being coming forward? For people.


There has to be a readiness of the system. So that's basically the most important thing. So that the system has to be ready. It has to be the time, it has to be cleared. You have to have a certain level of consciousness, level of consciousness until it makes kind of sense for it, or I don't really know. But then it's showing itself for those people, and then it kind of wants to come forward. That's what I can share.


Okay. The spiritual being part, it evolves, right?


What do you mean by that exactly?


Okay, so awareness doesn't evolve. Awareness stays the same. And when we're going through an awakening, it's a sort of a remembering, a retracing back one steps to its source. Okay? So first there's the recognition that, oh, I am the self, the self awakens. But it's not like we do anything or we gain anything. It's sort of like something that's always been there at our core is revealed to us. Okay. But it doesn't evolve. It stays the same. It's just awareness. And then that part of the awareness. It starts to look out through our eyes and it starts to see itself in the outside world. But again, nothing has really been we're not gaining anything. It's a sort of a remembering, a retracing its steps back all the way back, eventually, to Brahman consciousness, it goes back into the ocean from which it came from. But the spiritual being part, that has the potential to evolve, right, to move forward.


I mean, how I see this is it's always the same. It just is. And with that beingness or the isness, yeah, you can do whatever you want. You can move throughout life, but it's always the same. So it also doesn't change. That's how I see it. I mean, that's like the information I have at the moment.


Not sure if you okay, so what I'm getting at is that the soul never evolves, right? The soul always stays the same, but it can retrace its steps back all the way to the ocean and eventually merge with the ocean, becomes one with the ocean brahmin consciousness. It descends back into creation. Okay. The spiritual being is there, and that aspect of us has a decision space. So it has free will. It can say yes, it can say no. It can move towards love, it can move towards fear. So to me, that sounds like it has the potential to evolve, stay the same or deevolve yeah, no, I understand what you mean.


You can totally evolve. Yes. But being itself, it's always the same. But what it can do, it's free will, basically.


It's free will, pure potential. It has the choice to become more, to help become more love, all of these sorts of things.


Oh, yeah, definitely. Okay. Now I understand.


Yeah, no problem. No problem. Okay, so let's take this as a full awakening and healing of the individual, right, is that you can't leave any of it out. A part of you needs to be meditating for that awareness, to reconnect with what it came from. Okay. And then at the same time, your being needs to be moving from fear towards love all the time, constantly checking in, am I working from a place of love or fear? So that part has to evolve, and then the soul part has to remember itself an uncovering of what it is.


Yeah. So there are quite a few aspects that go with it hand in hand. Yes, definitely.


Okay. And I guess both of our work is very important for the bigger picture as a whole. As there's the awakening part, the consciousness part, there's Kundalini, there's the human, there's the psyche, the healing, the energy bodies, the psychic being. There's so many different facets to this.


People would probably think, oh my God, that's so much. But the thing is, with meditating, with transmissions, I come back to that. The transmissions, the grace is taking care of the parts and it's also guiding you. Okay? This is important for you now. This is important for you now. It's not that you need to look at everything at once, one after the other, step by step, and things are coming up to look at, but it's a whole package. For example, if you're a normal human and you're not on the spiritual path and you just want to do some healing, I guess you get over a few samscaras and that's it. And then life is a bit more harmonious, but that's it. But yeah, it needs the awakening part definitely to see what else is possible. Right? Because otherwise you wouldn't be able to see that.


No, you'd stay identified with the human aspect. I am the body, I am the ego. And then the spaciousness for more to come in, isn't there? Because we're so fixated on this part, the temporary part that was born and has a life and a story and will eventually die. Okay. So there's so many different aspects to awakening, but I totally agree with you. It's almost like that you're being guided. I don't think we can teach people, but for me, anyway, I was very intuitive with what there was something guiding me and gently pushing me in certain directions. And I just know, I just have this sense of knowing that this is where I have to move now. Okay, spend a little bit of time here, then I have to move here. And it was sort of like I was just been gently guided. It wasn't like I needed to go, I need to do this part, I need to do that part, I need to get them all. You don't need to do that. Right, yeah.


It's very good that you said that, because some people think more is better. It's not it's the right thing at the right time.




Because you can sit in transmission 24 hours and nothing can really happen if there is something else you need to do before in that kind of way.


So just for understanding, and I would say it's quality over quantity. It's like people seem to think that oh, and again, I had a session just an hour or two before you and I had this lovely guy on, and he was talking about he was on one of my retreats, and he got so much out of it that his mentality when he got home was, wow. If that's what I get from one transmission, what's going to happen if I introduce five or ten different transmissions? And he was doing transmissions every day with different people, and he got so overwhelmed that he told me he nearly had a breakdown. There was so much going on in his system. And I was like, okay, so we're not saying that the transmissions are wrong, but it's like when you've got ten transmissions going on all at once, all in your system, it may not always work. What's the word, Symbiotic? Some may be working, they may not just work.




That's exactly what yeah, thank you for that, my German speaking friend. They're not compatible. They may work against each other. Not that not against each other, but just not compatible in people's systems at certain times. We're not saying that it's like at a certain point, that transmission might be great, but if you've got two or three other transmissions that are working on certain aspects in your system and then you start doing this other transmission, it may not be the right time. There may be just too many transmissions in the mix at one time.


Yeah. And the nervous system maybe is not prepared, and then you can feel overwhelmed because it's just too much energy in the system. That's one thing. And the second thing is one transmission wants to work and wants to finish the work. So sometimes after the meditation that the energies stay around for a few hours or even days, they kind of want to work their way through whatever they need to do, and then you can do the next one or stay with somebody for a while and then go to the next one. I mean, I just want to say that our transmissions are compatible so that people know.


We have the Eva Mueller seal of approval.


Tick well, it's from experience because we have many people doing both our meditation, so it's totally fine. And Madamera as well, it's also compatible and probably have some more, but those are the ones most people are working with who I work.


Too. Me too. A lot of people I do set, they all meditate with Mother Mira. They all seem to be drawn.


Yeah, and then also because you just shared so I had a session with the guy. He had a session with me and then a one on one session and later on in a day, he had a group session and he asked me if he can do like he can give transmissions as well, if he can have a client in between. And then I looked into it and I got a no, because it would also interfere with what he just got, because things need to manifest in the system and so on, and yeah, so he didn't do it. So I just want to share this as well so that people know.


Yeah, and it's a little bit as well. On my retreats, I'll often say to people, for the duration of the retreat, do not participate in any other forms of energy, work or transmissions. And people go, oh, why not? And I'm like, because there's a process that's happening. There's a container been formed around the space. There's certain energies that are at work in your system, and they need that time to really get in. And by you leaving that space, because I know people do it. I remember one person doing a session with me while they were on retreat with another spiritual teacher. And I'm like, you're on a retreat and you're doing a session in between on the lunch break. I'm like, okay, but this is what people do. And there's a reason why I say not to partake, especially because we're cultivating them, energies in your system, and you don't want to be pulling other forces in that just get in the mix. They may get in the way. Again, we're not saying that the Emulator transmissions are bad or they're wrong. Just for that period of time, you should stay with what's going on in the retreat.


Yeah, I mean, at the retreat, definitely. And also, even though with the transmissions, the process is happening, the transformation is happening really fast, it still takes time. It's baby steps. People need to be patient because yeah, I know some people are unpatient and then they do other things, other practices where the system gets more or less forcefully opened and stuff like that. It's not that you're not damaged. I mean, maybe you have a trauma yes. From something like that. So it can be, let's say, fixed, but it's not recommendable, let's say it like that to forcefully do something to your system, because with the transmission, it's happening exactly how it's supposed to on your base when you're ready.


And the way I see it, eva is like, you've got a flower, okay, or a plant, and you give it just enough water, just enough water. And life, as you take a drink of water there, so you've got a bit of plant. And then the way I see the transmissions are that it's just enough lice, and you give it water, and it will just open up in its own time. And the way I see it is like a rose board, okay? You can't go to a rose board and start trying to pull it open to get the flower to come out perfectly and beautiful. It's going to be a complete mess. That rose board will just open when it's supposed to open naturally, and it's going to look beautiful, and it's going to smell beautifully. But if you go over and start forcefully with your own will, trying to rip it open to have a look at that flower that's in there, it's not going to look like a flower. It's going to look like a complete mess. So this is the human impatient aspect of people who want it yesterday, they want it now. They'll do anything. They'll sit there, and they'll do bandits and locks and hold their breath to try and force the Kundalini. When the Kundalini is like this symbiotic awakening that happens, like, as consciousness, flowers, Kundalini naturally. It's like a byproduct of awakening that it just naturally opens up, clears the system, and it will rise on its own good time and not to get in the way.


Yeah, definitely. And you said something, and I think that's a really I want to open something new up, because the question came up from a guy today. He feels like or he heard that spiritual practices he does are strengthening the ego, and he found a practice that's more for the collective. So he asked me if I can clear stuff out of his system that drives the ego or the egoistic way of awakening so that he can do that, the collective one. And I don't know what your point of view is. I just want to share mine, is that it's not bad to be ego driven at the beginning, because that's what brings you here, or there where you're at, okay? Yeah. Because you are in the ego. How could you not come from the ego? It doesn't even work. And then eventually, when the ego is thinned out enough, and maybe also the I thought or whatever, then universal forces are coming in anyways. It's just the perspective changes, and you don't do it to reach something, to get something, you gain something like that.


Yeah, I couldn't agree. Totally agree with you, Eva. Yes. In the beginning, it's the ego that gets you there. You exhaust every other avenue in life. The job doesn't bring you happiness. The relationship doesn't bring you lasting happiness. The fancy car. So it's like, oh, spirituality. It must be hidden in there somewhere. And the ego is looking everywhere it can to find this lasting happiness. So it starts meditating, it starts doing spiritual practice, but at a certain point, it crosses the threshold where it sort of signs its own debt warrant somewhere along the lines, but it doesn't realize it until it's gone just a little bit further, and then it's too late that it can't change his mind. It's already gone past the point of no return.


Yeah. And if you do the practices after that, it can't be like ego driven. It's just the aspiration, or it's more that the pulling maybe it's even the spiritual being. It's something that's pulling you towards the divine, or if you want to call it like that, to the merging. So it's like it's the aspiration. Yes.


Yeah. And there's nothing wrong with being driven to find your spiritual practice that works for you. I mean, when I was going through mine, it was like, I'll go anywhere, whatever teacher that I need to find, I'll go and I'll find them. I'll do whatever it takes, and that's perfectly fine. But then you get to that. There is a point where that seeking energy just falls away and there's no transmission out there. There's no talk on YouTube. There's just nothing. There's nothing. Someone could send me a transmission and say, garrett, this is the best transmission ever. Why don't you tune in? And I don't even look at it. I'm just like, oh, there's no part of me. The seeking energy has fallen away.


Yeah, okay, nice. Yeah, great that we talked about it. And it's also I mean, it always depends on where people are coming from. Of course, if somebody's very, okay, I want to save the world or change the world, something like that, this could be a drive. No, I mean, this could be a drive as well towards but, yeah, most people I work with, it's because they want to experience that. They want to change their life experience. Yeah. That's mainly what happens.


Yeah. And I guess I'm not going to say fully, but once all of that seeking energy and all of that drive falls away to push to do these spiritual pursuits falls away pretty much. Again, disclaimer. I'm not saying that any of these things are bad, but to rush out and to heal people or to rush out and give people transmissions or whatever, give people your advice, it's not there. Everything is perfect. You just see people just, oh, that person is going through something at the moment. There's a little bit of suffering, but you know, that that's exactly the way it's supposed to be. And you don't rush in and give your advice or try and heal it or force your will on that person. You just watch everything unfold.


Yeah, definitely. It just falls away one day and then it's gone and yeah, you just allow everybody to be where they at, to experience what they need to because they're on their soul path. The soul has.


Chosen that's.


Me getting you back now, eva chosen certain life experiences. Yes. And you just allow it to happen. And even though it's like a part of your family, like a close person.


I see members in my family going through stuff, and at one stage, I'd be offering help and, oh, maybe I can heal this for you, and I can heal that. And now I just see it as what it is, and it's just like, oh, yeah, okay, they're going through that. It is how it is, and everything is perfect. And even if they're a close family member to me, I just let them go through it. I don't get involved. I don't impose my will, take away their lessons, and I can understand how the human mind would go, but you have the ability to take away a person's suffering, and you don't. And that's not what this is. This is that sometimes people need suffering and they need certain lessons in their life, and they have to go through them. And when they're ready to heal, they'll come for you to help them.


Yeah, exactly. When they're ready, they come. Because I have offered help. Of course, my brother is going through divorce and stuff like that to people around me, friends and so on, but, yeah, no, they're not coming back, so that's fine. It's totally fine. You can share intellectually, you can advise them intellectually, but it's not that you would sit down and then send healing to people around you just because of it, just because of doing it. The thing is, that part doesn't exist, that the part is gone that would do that or would think that's helping.


And this is part of early on when people start to develop the cities, the spiritual powers. And this is why all of the very advanced gurus would say not to partake in the spiritual cities is because a lot of the times it just gives the ego something, a way of coming back in. Oh, I'm a healer, I'm a spiritual teacher. I have these amazing abilities. I can send shakti to people. That's what happens. And the ego steps in. The ego has come back in, and it then starts to build an identity around me being a spiritual teacher with spiritual powers. Look, when I was going through my awakening, especially when the shakti started to come on, I was like, oh, isn't this amazing? I want to send it to people and help people, but then something else further on, it just falls away, and it's just like, yeah, you just don't care about giving shaktipat to people anymore.


Yeah. So I read back in the days somewhere that if consciousness hasn't evolved enough, or if you're not in the middle, still in the middle of the past somewhere, and you start doing the healing work, for example, first of all, it interferes with your own evolvement. And also, second, you can get stuck where you're teaching from. And I heard that. And at the time, I wasn't really doing any healing work, I was just doing guided meditations online on Zoom for people. But I realized, yeah, I mean, people really liked it, but yeah, I dropped it then because I didn't want that, because I thought after that there will be so much more. Like I had this pull already in a kind of a way, or just felt it very slightly there, being there somewhere to do something like that. But I wanted it to fully evolve and to fully unfold and it has. It just came. It just came. I didn't need to do anything for it. It just appeared.


Early on, I could sense that in you there was that drive to want to help and to do this work. But then all of a sudden I just noticed something in you and it was like, oh, you just dropped everything. Everything that seeking energy, that drive, it just fell away. And you were just like, you know what? I'm fine the way it is. The work I'm doing at the moment is amazing. And then I was like, oh, she has it. I knew in that instance that's when you got it right. But what you just said, where it's like sometimes you can rush in too quick and you start teaching from that level, right? And again, you sort of get stuck at that level. And the people that you start teach can only progress to the level where you are, right? You can only heal to the level that you yourself have been healed. So why be half baked? You need to go back in the oven and be fully cooked. And that's what I want for people. I see them and they want to jump in and I'm just like and again, when we have all these energies in our system and they're doing something, you're being cooked in them, right? And it's like, why do you want to open the oven door and let that energy seep out? Or that he seep out. You want it in there. You want to be marinating in them energies, not giving them away.


Prematurity yeah, I mean, you're giving, let's say somebody else. It's not somebody else's, but just for understanding reasons, somebody else's energy. You just receive.




You transmit totally, basically. So it's not what you tune into or what you can call in.


Yes. Just to clarify a little bit more on that, when a group are connected with a being who can pull in them higher frequencies, the supermental force or the real divine lights, they then emit from that teacher to all of the people connected. So a lot of people, they could be on the other side of the world, but because there's a connection with that teacher, that teacher, the energies are organized around that teacher. And by them being in close proximity or having a connection, them energies are then sort of spread out to all of that group, all of them people who are connected. Even when I do one to one sessions with people, a lot of people will text me and say they don't do it so much now, but I'll get a message and say, were you just doing a session? And I'd say, yeah. And they're like, oh my God, the energy was so strong. They're on the other side of the world. So that's what's happening. A lot of the people, they think, oh, I feel all this energy in my system. There's a certain amount of realization there. Oh, I must be able to give this away. It must be my transmission. It's not yet, it hasn't happened yet.


Yeah, I totally agree. I totally agree.


Yeah. So close the oven door and get back in and be fully cooked.


Yeah. And the thing is, when it then comes up for you to do, then it's very natural, it's easy, it's just happening. People will feel drawn to you, they will feel drawn to the work. It's just effortless before you have to find clients or you have to advertise, I don't know, more, you have to do more, and then it's more like, okay, you don't do anything. You're embodying this. And people realize it or understand, they feel it and then of course, they come. So that's really cool.


Okay. Yeah. Very interesting. Very interesting. There was something else I wanted to talk a little bit about briefly. Eva was the evolution of light. Now I know what I'm talking about is the light transmissions that I do on people to awaken consciousness, they seem to have changed. Something has kind of clicked. And there was a realization a couple of weeks ago. It was actually during one of the mini groups wednesday evening, I think. I had just come back from Spain. I was sat here doing a mini group. And when I'm pulling the light in for people, it's like my awareness is going up to the highest truth, the highest light that there is, and I'm pulling it down into people's systems. And during the session, I realized that something like a dam burst above my head and there was just like this pillar of light that I'm connected to. It's like, literally, I am that pillar of light. It's coming down. It's like literally coming down over me. And it was like, oh, so I no longer have to reach up to pull it down. What I do is I just open up their system and it's like, I pull a strand of light from that column of light that's above me, and I bring it down through the person. Bring it down. I anchor it into the Earth and it's so much stronger. It's literally like mind blowing, the difference. So I wonder, could we talk a little bit about that? So we talked about the psychic being or the spiritual being waking up. And then I wonder, can we kind of piece together how the awakening of consciousness and the psychic being come together?


Okay, I know you let me there, but I don't know what you want me to do because you shared about this experience and I knew what's happening. Do you want me to share this?


Yeah, sure.


From my point of view, it's okay. So when you merge with the Divine Mother, right, you are part of her, and for a certain amount of time you're still part of her, but you still work external. You still draw her energy in.




Until one day this snap happens and then you are that energy. You are the Divine Mother. It's just another step.


You're an extension of her in creation, literally doing her work. And there's a conduit that has been brought down them forces.


Yeah. But before, it's like you have to grab it from let's say it's not external, but just you have descriptions. Yeah. You have form of outside of you, and then it's you because that's it. There is nothing else left. And then it's just you external, part of the Divine Mother. Yes. That's really amazing that this is happening.


Yeah. If I can just explain a little bit about what I'm doing. So firstly, when I work with somebody, I basically put a tube of light around that person to protect them while I'm opening up their chakras. So again, we don't want any external forces coming in or getting involved with the transmission. So I seal that person off so they're completely protected. I am no longer reaching up to what I perceived as light. The light is above me. So I'm literally pulling a strand of light like a tread. I'm pulling the tread from that column and I'm then bringing that light down through the crown, through all the chakras, out the bottom of the tube and then down into the Earth, and I'm anchoring the energies down into the Earth. So when I'm working on that person, first of all, I'm raising the level of consciousness of the entire planet. So I'm pulling in the light and filling the planet with light first. And then what I'm doing is I'm bringing down light and the perfect light for each chakra. So then I'll go up, I'll see a ball, a ball of light, which is going to sit into that first chakra. I pull it down and I'm going to replace any negative attachments to whatever that chakra relates to here and I fill it with light. And then I'll go through all of the different chakras with that one. And then for the last one, what I do is I pull in, like, a small bubble of unity consciousness in the metaphor of light. But again, it's another tread that's pulled in and expanded beyond the confinements of what that person is. And then eventually, over time, I dissolve the outer limits of what's housing that person's consciousness, and then their inner consciousness merges with the universal consciousness. And so, yeah, unity consciousness then evolves.


By its and do you want to share how this came for you to do? Like, this exactly what you just shared, naturally.


So, again, I started by doing the LoC. I won't use the real name, but the LoC light transmission to awaken consciousness. So I started with that I don't know how long ago it is now, maybe three or four years ago and had results with it, but it was me using my imagination to do it. It was like I was imagining light coming from somewhere, bringing it down, and it's like now I'm not imagining the light. I literally have a column of light that when I close my eyes, it's just this column. And when I close my eyes and when I start the session, it's like, oh, my eyes start to flicker. If I push my eyes kind of backwards, everything comes bright. It's like I can sense the light. And it's like when I'm pulling, it's like literally, I put my hand up. I'm not using my hand, but it's like I put my attention up and I can feel it, I can perceive it. And sometimes what I'll do is I'll bring one hand up, and it's like as if I deflect some of that light out with my hand and then direct it down through the person. And I can literally feel the light passing through each chakra as it's going down through their system. And then what I do is I'll just bring it down. I'll expand it. And as I'm expanding, I'm seeing anything that's in opposition to the light. Whatever desires, wants, egotistical, desires, I see them as, like, black. And as I expand the white, the black gets pushed out to the sides and further and further, and eventually it filters back down into the center of the Earth. So, yeah, that's my way of working with it. But it's like now I feel it. I close my eyes, there is a light coming down.


Yeah. And you came up with doing all this yourself, so it's like your own creation.


Yeah, okay. But it's sort of like what we spoke about, where you give somebody a modality to start working with, like Pellawa or Reiki. And I started with that. I started working with something else. And then over time, this developed. And then just one day, it just clicked. It clicked. And it was only a couple of weeks ago it clicked. I was like, oh, my God. The mini session went on for 2 hours, but I sat there for another 2 hours with that light coming in, and now it's just there 24/7.




Yeah, really cool.


So it's there all the time. Great.


Oh, every session?


Yeah. Okay. Yeah, nice. That's really a nice so it's good to know because new things can come in all the time. And this is something in the brahmin or the barab brahman. You couldn't stay stuck on where you're teaching from or what you're doing from. It's like you're always evolving, evolving, evolving. Just compared to before when we talked about you're in the process, you could get stuck. And then when you hear you teach from a level, but it does mean you you're stuck there. You can evolve totally forward because there are no boundaries. There are endless boundaries and stuff like that.


I like that little advertisement there eva endless possibilities.


Yeah, right. Well, that's why the podcast is called like that.


Yeah, exactly. And then as well, everything is experience based. It's like, I'm not learning any of this from a book. There's no somebody telling me what to do. It's me just intuitively going, oh, this is what happens when I do this. Oh, when I move my hand this way with this person's system. Oh, I can see what happens. Actually, I'll share something else that came up the other day. There was a woman in our group who had a spontaneous awakening. Her kundalini shot up and she had a downpouring of energy coming from the top. And I mean, she seemed so there was an awful lot of anxiety when she was telling me about what was going on. And during the session, I could see so much anxiety in her. I put a block to stop the energies coming in, a temporary but I seen what was going on and I was able to put a block over to stop that downpour of energy. And then what I did is I was able to dial down the kundalini and I was like, no, we're not going to turn it off completely. I said, we're going to dial it down to about 30% temporarily. The following week she came back. She's like, the energy stopped coming in my head. She goes, I want it back. What's happened? And I was like, well, I actually wrote her an email after the session telling her what I had done. And I said, look, I said, I could see there was so much anxiety in your system. I said, I've temporarily just put a boundary between you and that energy. And then the following week she came back and she was like, Turn it back on. I miss it. This is just intuitively what's going on. I'm not getting involved. It wasn't like I wanted to turn it off on her, but I could see that she was overwhelmed and it just wasn't helping. All this energy pouring in and pouring in. Pouring in.


Yeah, she probably needed a little break, a little break for a week, and then she's like, open again. Okay, give it back to me. I'm open in that kind of way.


And that's exactly what I did. As soon as I seen her the following week, she said, oh, I kind of miss it now. I went in, opens it back up for her. But you're just moving to what's presenting itself. The intellect is not getting involved. It was just she presented it. That's what felt right in the moment. The following week she wanted it back, we opened it up again. You're just flowing and moving, not getting exactly.


That's how it works as well. Whatever is presenting itself just needs to be done and that's it.




That's so cool.


Anything else, Eva, or I kind of feel we've probably come to the end of this talk.


Yeah, I think we talked about very cool topics. I thought they were very interesting. Yeah. Good that we did.


What am I going to put the headline of the YouTube video as? Because we spoke about so many different things.


Yeah, we have to think about something, something general. But, I mean, it was really good. It was good to just let it flow and see what happens.


I love this format of not really knowing what we're going to talk about and letting it flow. I mean, for me, the energy as we're talking about these subjects, the energy just is coming in so strong. It just feels so natural and spontaneous and organic, and this is the way they're meant to be done. Instead of having a topic where we go off and we research. Yeah, this is what feels natural to me, Eva.


Yeah. I mean, it's not that we have no, we haven't. People think we totally research things before we talk.


No, we don't.


No, that's what we wanted, to have a podcast where we just have a nice conversation about interesting spiritual topics and we let it flow, and that's what's happening. So that's great.


Yeah. And we've got some great ideas for future podcasts. I mean, we've got a few one or two more guests that we're going to have on. We're going to have an amazing lady on next week. I won't reveal too much about that. And then we're going to bring on somebody who has worked with both Eva and I, and they want to ask a whole series of questions and get our perspective, and they feel that they want to ask the questions that everybody wants to get the answers to as a spiritual seeker. Yeah, that should be really interesting. I'm looking forward to that.


Yeah, same, same. That's going to be really good. Yeah. Great. That was a great podcast. Thank you, Garrett.


Yes. And episode ten already. Can you believe that?




Incredible. Incredible.


Really cool. Really cool. Yeah. So that was great. Thank you for everybody for listening. Yeah, and for coming every week. Listening every week. That's great. And we got such lovely feedback. So thank you for that as well.


And if you are watching this on YouTube, do us a favor and please subscribe or leave us a comment and a like, because okay, the whole purpose of me and Eva doing this right is to reach a wider audience. Okay? That's what we want. We want to get the topics that we talk about out to more people, and we can't do that. We need your help to help us do that. So just by simply we're not asking for anything. Just a simple, like, put a comment, hello and subscribe. And by you doing that, the YouTube algorithm picks up. Oh, people are really interested in this conversation, and it helps because I noticed we've only got 80 subscribers on the new channel Eva, and some of the videos have 500 views. So yeah, you need to subscribe.


Yeah, that would be great, because apparently this algorithm then plays it out right for people who watch similar podcasts or similar things. So yeah, that would be really great. So thank you.


Yeah, so subscribe, or else I'll put a block over your head and you won't get any transactions in the future. Oh, my goodness. I'm joking. I'm joking. Yeah. But it would greatly help us. Thank you so much, Eva. Pleasure as always.


Yeah. Garrett, it was great, honestly.


I love today. I love today. Yeah. Okay. Thank you, everybody.


Thank you. Bye.

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Aug 26, 2023

I Love this! The podcasts are great AND its nice to have this distillation of the main points as additional support. its also really nice to allow the information access through the different avenues of reading and speaking as for me, they land differently. Thank You!

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