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To show our confidence in the transformative power of these

Awaken - Embody - Transcend sessions, we're offering you 7 days completely free to experience it for yourself. It's our way of inviting you to step into this journey with an open heart and mind, knowing that you'll soon discover the profound impact it can have on your life. Once you sign up go here to watch your videos. 

7 Day Free Trial

Basic A-E-T Online Monthly Membership



Every month

In this package you will gain full access to an archive of all of Gareth's past Mini Group sessions.

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

7-Day Free Trial

Unlimited access to past mini group archive

No LIVE Mini Group Access

Cancel at any time

All A-E-T Plans Now Include the SAT Subscription

Best Value

Online A-E-T Monthly Membership Plus+



Every month

With Plus+ Unlimited access to Gareth's past Mini Group archive - one samadhi weekly LIVE Mini Group.

Valid until canceled

Unlimited access to past A-E-T mini group archive

Access to 1 Live Transcend / Samadhi Mini Group per week

3 New Videos Added Weekley

Cancel at any time

All A-E-T Plans Now Include the SAT Subscription

Best Value

Unlimited A-E-T Monthly Membership



Every month

With Unlimited you get full access to the past Mini Group archive and three weekly LIVE Mini groups

Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

7-Day Free Trial

Unlimited access to past A-E-T mini group archive

3 New Videos Added Weekley.

Unlimited access to all A-E-T Online Mini Groups each month

Cancel any time

All A-E-T Plans Now Include the SAT Subscription

Cancel  anytime | Month starts once it is paid | No refunds | This is an automatic recurrent payment

Best Value

Yearly A-E-T Unlimited Subscription



Every year

With Unlimited you get full access to the past Mini Group archive and three weekly LIVE Mini groups

Valid until canceled

€64 / Per Month - Best Value

Unlimited access to past A-E-T Mini Group Recordings

Unlimited access to all A-E-T Online Mini Groups each month

2-3 New Videos Added Every Week

All A-E-T Plans Now Include the SAT Subscription

“These mini group sessions are gorgeous, thanks for always bring something new and fabulous..”

— Kate, Boston USA

“Great mini session last night, Thank you Gareth and everyone who took part. I feel a huge shift today in my consciousness”

— Alex, London Uk

"Im absolutely buzzing with shakti after  yesterdays mini group, incredible energy"

— Stephen, California USA 

“Having access to these mini groups has been a huge blessing, I cant always make the live events due to work but its a huge bonus meditating with them later on, thank you.”

— P Sood, Hyderabad India

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